Saturday, December 8, 2007

--Team Work--

Life is about opportunities! Have you ever heard of the saying "Where there's A will there's A way"? Well I bet you are wondering why I capitalized the letter a, here is why.

Having a will or purpose to do something is great, don't get me wrong, but if it's just you by yourself driving this will or purpose then you put a limit to the doors or opportunties you could have.

If you can achieve your dream by yourself then i'm sorry to say but the dream wasn't big enough. Nobody in history ever achieved something great on thier own. Even Christ had His twelve decipiles and us to carry out His mission.

The importance of a good team (family,friends and other contacts) will equal this saying "Where there's a team there's more then just one way".


If you had the chance to be great, if only for one moment, would you take it? Or would the fear of the unknown be to strong to overcome? I've learned that greatness is achieved by just ordinary people doing extra ordinary things...and of course a little help from the Man upstairs never hurt either,lol.