Monday, June 18, 2007


Many times we take for granted the ones that love us the most because we're so worried about the ones that love us the least. Why is that? Maybe it's because we feel that we have that automatic love coming from those who love us and we try to work so hard to be loved by those who could just care less. But isn't it also funny how the ones that we love the most, drive us the craziest, yet we can't live without them. We must realize that the love we receive from those closest to us is so very special and even in our times when we mess up,it's those people that give the greatest love of all...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!

I'll put it to you like this. You have those who love you "part-time" and those who love you "full-time". It's the full-timers that will get you through those tough times in life, those are the memory creators in your life. So the question I pose to you is; Are you a "part-timer" or a "full-timer" when it comes to showing love to others?

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