Saturday, December 8, 2007

--Team Work--

Life is about opportunities! Have you ever heard of the saying "Where there's A will there's A way"? Well I bet you are wondering why I capitalized the letter a, here is why.

Having a will or purpose to do something is great, don't get me wrong, but if it's just you by yourself driving this will or purpose then you put a limit to the doors or opportunties you could have.

If you can achieve your dream by yourself then i'm sorry to say but the dream wasn't big enough. Nobody in history ever achieved something great on thier own. Even Christ had His twelve decipiles and us to carry out His mission.

The importance of a good team (family,friends and other contacts) will equal this saying "Where there's a team there's more then just one way".


If you had the chance to be great, if only for one moment, would you take it? Or would the fear of the unknown be to strong to overcome? I've learned that greatness is achieved by just ordinary people doing extra ordinary things...and of course a little help from the Man upstairs never hurt either,lol.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Have you ever realized that the definition of a word is just a bunch of other words put together? This is true with any and all words, one word describes another and another word describes some other word. So what's the true definition of any word, i mean really.

Well it's funny how life acts like that sometimes. Because of how you dress, how you look, how much money you make, whatever ethnic group you may fall into, wheather your past has been clean or not so much, all these things and so much more are the stuff that people use to define you. It's weird how they can never find the important stuff.

But I've learned that the true definition of ourselves can only be found through God our Creator. God has it all planned out for us but we must grab hold of it. Don't let this world and others try to define who you really are. Don't just let them put you into a some random catogory. And especially do not let them put you down for who you are in Christ and what He has defined you as!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Can you put a price tag on love, encouragement, support, or friendship? If the answer is no, which most would say, why is it that we get upset when we do not get it in return when we give it? If you can't put a price on those kind of things, which really are priceless, then shouldn't we evaluate our motives?

Cause if we are giving out our love, encouragement, support, and friendship just to see what we get in return then we really are putting a price tag on those kind of things. Now don't get me wrong, it's wonderful to be loved in return and to have those kind of things expressed to you. But when we can express those things without expecting anything in return we can understand a little of how Christ lived and how He desires for us to walk.

So next time when you encourage someone or support someone and especially when you love someone, do it as unto Christ and do not put a price tag on it. BE BLESSED!!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


GRACE and LOVE: While we know Paul (from the Bible) was the greatest evangelist in history, he knew that, left to himself, he was the worst sinner. God chose him because of his weakness, so that the Lord could display His patience and greace in him. It's a great thing to know that we need not be perfect for God to love us or even use us.

Paul, who was mightly used by God, considered himself the cheif or the worst of sinners. I know without a doubt in my mind that many have felt that same way at least one point in our life time. We beat ourselves up so much when we fail but it's seems like that is when God displays His love the most. And through that love, we can and should love others for the wrongs done to us.

1Timothy 1:15,16; Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom i'm the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life.

Monday, July 30, 2007

--Let Go and Let God--

The story about Jonah and the whale is a perfect example of releasing and cutting people out of your life. In the story a huge storm came and the men on the ship knew that is was cause Jonah was aboard the boat. Now the men didn't want to throw him over but they knew it was a must to calm the storm. The thing was, it was also a must for Jonah cause little did he know that God had a plan for him already. See God had a whale ready to swallow him cause it was the only way he would listen.

The point I'm trying to make is that there will be people in your life that you MUST cut out not only for your sake but for theirs also. You must trust that God will take care of them beyond you. Trust that He has a plan ready for them just like He does for you. So many times it's not people holding us back but it's us not letting go. Sometimes letting go is the only way for you AND others to move foward!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


The lack of self-confidence combined with insecurities can not only kill you on the inside but what it can do is push those who love you away. Since you don't love yourself, you can't understand how anyone could love what you see. What I've learned is that those who truely love us see past our imperfections. The key is to see ourselves in the same way of those who love us or better yet, to see ourselves the way GOD sees us. He is Creator of all, which includes us. All His creation is a work of art and luckily we fall into that catagory of beauty!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

--The Real Thing--

An officer who worked at the U.S. Treasurey was asked how he detected a counterfiet dollar bill from the real ones. His answer was quite simple. He said that they are trained so many hours a day handling the real thing, so when it comes to a fake dollar bill, it's quite easy to detect.

The same goes with the voice of God, many times we can't decern if its His voice speaking to us or not. I hear it so often asked, How do you know what Gods voice sounds like? The only way I can explain it to you is the same way they detect a counterfiet dollar bill. The one way you can decern Gods voice from a fake is to spend time with Him. We must get a "feel for the real". The more time you spend in prayer, the more you begin to hear what He says and how He says it.

God speaks to each of us in different ways but just like a close friend or brother, when they speak, you just know it. The same goes with God, when He speaks, you'll just know it! Build that relationship with Him, it's vital!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

--Keep Growing--

One of lifes most ultimate disasters that can befall upon us is that we would feel that we have arrived. That we have achieved all our goals and we have made it to the top. The moment you have this feeling, growth ceases! It's fine to achieve your goals in life but the moment you do, you better have a lot more to shoot for. NEVER STOP GROWING!!!


When we pray and ask God for something and don't get it in the way we want, we tend to be shocked. We also tend to think that God's not listening to us or being mean. But this is what i've learned, when we pray for wisdom, God doesn't just give us the wisdom but opportunities to be wise. When we ask for courage, He'll give us opportunities to be courageous.

God wants you to put what He's given you into practice. What good is it if we store away all our gifts and potential? Some of us just need that little push that God is so willing to give us and many times we don't even realize it.

So question; What Are You Doing With Your Opportunities???

Monday, June 18, 2007


Many times we take for granted the ones that love us the most because we're so worried about the ones that love us the least. Why is that? Maybe it's because we feel that we have that automatic love coming from those who love us and we try to work so hard to be loved by those who could just care less. But isn't it also funny how the ones that we love the most, drive us the craziest, yet we can't live without them. We must realize that the love we receive from those closest to us is so very special and even in our times when we mess up,it's those people that give the greatest love of all...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!

I'll put it to you like this. You have those who love you "part-time" and those who love you "full-time". It's the full-timers that will get you through those tough times in life, those are the memory creators in your life. So the question I pose to you is; Are you a "part-timer" or a "full-timer" when it comes to showing love to others?

--Listen To Yourself--

The best advise you can take is usually your own. It's so easy to give out great advise but the moment we're in a tight situation, we tend to go blank. Knowing what's right and doing what's right are two completly different things.

--Eye Candy--

There will be many things along the way that will catch your eye but be careful that they don't catch your heart in the process. Some things that we let in our heart are extremly hard to get out. Big Idea: Gaurd your hearts!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Cool off before you spout off; If you are too angry to have a conversation that is not in a loving or constructive manner, then put things on hold until you can simmer down. Words, positive or negative, can have extreme power.

We tend to let our tongue move faster then our hearts. Here is the problem with that; it's easier to tear someone down then it is to build them back up. So much is said but not really meant in the heat of the battle.

How will your words effect those you surround yourself with? Do you bulid up or tear down? Do you stop and think or just speak? Spread the love and don't let it end with you!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

--The Insides--

The importance of the insides; some cakes can look so beautiful on the outside but if your were to leave the sugar out, it would be incomplete. Not to mention the fact that it would taste horrible. But if you were to just look at the outside appearance, you probably wouldn't know that anything was missing.

That's a lot how people tend to be now a days. They leave certain things out, whatever it may be, whether it's faith, patience, love, or even God Himself. Sometimes you can't notice because of the great masks we've formed.

Here are the two questions I put to you: What's the "sugar" that you're leaving out of your life? Could you notice the "sugar" that others are leaving out of thier lives?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

--Change In Pocket--

As a leader, you will be asked to make some choices. They may be big, they may be small. Some of these choices may have small return, some may have a huge return. The choices you make will also have consequences, whether it be a positive or negative consequence.

The question I want to ask you is, do you have enough change in your pocket? Let me explain, as you make smart and wise choices, you begin to develop change in your pockect. This change represents trust from those who you lead. Even if the choices are small, if they're wise, smart and positive choices, you will gain the change into your pocket. The more change, the more trust.

Also, the more change, the more slack you get when you make a poor choice. So you want to develop as much change as you can. Here's an example; if you're constantly making good choices and developing that change, the moment you make a poor choice, you will have enough change in your pocket to cover the damage. But if you don't have enough change and are constantly making poor, negative choice, you will lose all trust and respect from those around you.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Seconds Anyone?

Most, not realizing it, settle for the first thing they find in life. But "second best" doesn't always come second in life. Aren't some of the better things in life worth waiting for? Be patient and wait for God's very best.

Whether you realize it or not, God has a plan for your life, a direction in which He is leading you. Discovering God's purpose for your life requires a willingness to be open. His plan is unfolding daily but like any great teacher, He may have quite a few lessons to teach you along the way.



As you launch an act of kindness out into the croswinds of life, it will blow kindness right back to you. The thing is that when you extend kindness to others, it shouldn't be about trying to impress them but about trying to reflect God to them. Also when you begin to make good and smart choices, not only will you benefit but those around you will as well. When you begin to help yourself, you gain the ability to help others. Be Blessed, God Is Love!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

--Elevator Buttons--

The people you surround yourself with are just like elevator buttons; they'll either take you up or they'll take you down. You become who you're closest to. Leaders attract other leaders; followers will attract other followers. Who are you placing in your circle of succcess, those who will take you up or those who will bring you down?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


We can all agree that life can feel like a trip at times. You can be on the journey of life and it's easy to get lost. With everyone telling you,"go this way" or "go that way", it can get confusing fast. So what are you using to help you gain your directions? God can be the "On-Star" for our lives, don't be afraid to ask Him for THE RIGHT directions.


Failure is one of lifes most powerful teachers,how we handle our failures determines whether we're going to simply "get by" or "press on" in life.

One way to look at failures is to view them as Life Lessons. All failure means is that you're trying in life. Most are to afraid to even try.

See I'd rather have 100 failures under my belt and have reached 100% of my potential then 10 failures and only to have reached 10% of my potential.

The most wealthiest place on earth is a graveyard,so many dreams never dreamed,so many books that were never written,so much potential that was never reached because of fear or lack of effort.

Look failure is inevitable,no matter how skilled you might be,no one ever made it to the top without a few bumps in the road so just be ready. BE BLESSED!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Faith is daring the eyes to look beyond what they CAN see. We see our present troubles but God see our future victorys!

Here is something else about faith that most don't know:Faith doesn't deny fact but it changes it.

For example:if you're sick then you're sick,dont lie and say your not cause then you'ld be lying. It has nothing to do on wheather you're claiming the sickness or not. It's just fact that you might be sick but with your faith you can know that you can get better and claim your healing!

--Vision Set--

so many time we can never move foward in life because of poor decisions we have made in the past. for some reason those choices can't let us go,or better yet we won't let go of those choices.

in the book of philippians 3:13,14 it says...forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. i press on toward the goal to win the prize which God has called me...

see God has promised you greatness,promised you life and not death,blessings not cursings. but we can't get pass our past.

here's an example:when you get into a car, you have a windshield in front of you. it's big and let's you see where you want to go or anything that might be in your way to harm you. but you also have a much small rear view mirror that shows you everything in the back that you have already passed. the reason why the rear view mirror is smaller then the windshield is because whats in the back is not near as important as whats ahead.

same goes for your future and your past, all that you've done in the past can not compare to what God has prepard for your future. so where is your vision set,on the windshield in front or the rear view mirror towards the back?

we are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it. no matter how bad or stupid our choices have been, God specializes in giving us fresh starts.

--The Consequences of Compromise--

I was reading in the book of 1Kings 13:11-24 about this unnamed prophet that went from town to town doing great works and spreading the word. A man and his sons heard of this and went out to follow him. As they caught up with this prophet,they asked him to go back with them for dinner and fellowship. The prophet said that the Lord had told him not to go back at all. The family finally convinced the prophet to go back for dinner. As the prophet got back on the road after dinner,he was met by a lion that killed him.

Now it never says in the story why God told the prophet not to go back but in life sometime we dont know why God tells us the things He does or gives us the convictions that He does. See but it's not our place to understand God,cause in all honesty,God is to great for us to understand. If we begin to compromise our convictions,we run the risk of leaving Gods protection, His covering, and His blessings.