Thursday, November 15, 2007


Can you put a price tag on love, encouragement, support, or friendship? If the answer is no, which most would say, why is it that we get upset when we do not get it in return when we give it? If you can't put a price on those kind of things, which really are priceless, then shouldn't we evaluate our motives?

Cause if we are giving out our love, encouragement, support, and friendship just to see what we get in return then we really are putting a price tag on those kind of things. Now don't get me wrong, it's wonderful to be loved in return and to have those kind of things expressed to you. But when we can express those things without expecting anything in return we can understand a little of how Christ lived and how He desires for us to walk.

So next time when you encourage someone or support someone and especially when you love someone, do it as unto Christ and do not put a price tag on it. BE BLESSED!!!!

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